I woke the next morning exhausted from the draining sleepless night. I caught the early ferry to Ko Lanta island also known as paradise...literally. I originally booked a small beach bungalow but in the condition that I was in when I arrived- the last thing on earth I wanted to deal with were the 2 lizards, massive spiders and buzzing mosquitoes that were home to the bamboo hut. I opted to pay $6 more for the air conditioned, wifi, clean, crisp sheeted, cable t.v. equipped room instead. I spent the day in the pool and for the first time in my life, I took a real nap. Not a nap out of the lack of sleep or drug induced but for the first time in the week and a half that I had been in Thailand I was completely relaxed. I woke up to the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. Then I topped the evening off with a massage down the street, a hot toddy, and a fierce game of connect 4 with the bartender who had a joint hanging from his lips the whole time. Then I called it a night.

The best way to see an island is by renting a motor bike. After a quick breakfast on the beach and witnessing a local cat attack a lizard, I spent the whole day cruising around Ko Lanta, covering every inch of the island. I made friends with a dozen elephants, a family of crazy monkeys that threw coconuts at me, and a sweet couple from the UK. It's always been a dream of mine to replicate the famous Richard Avedon's 'Dovima with the Elephants'. Being that I was flyin' solo, I wasn't expecting a grandiose shoot to take place, but I couldn't be happier with the results. I absolutely love elephants. They dive deep inside of my heart and tap into a part of my soul that is nearly impossible for anyone to ever reach. Their eyes are filled with sadness, joy, strength, courage, sorrow, and glory all-in-one. Their skin is layered so beautifully with a texture that feels both rough and soft at the same time. These guys had a sense of humor, they interacted with me. Posed for my camera, gave me their leg to sit on. It's like they had been waiting for me just as long as I had been for them. After my day with the elephants I had dinner with Mary-Jane and beer on the beach. Again, I thought to myself-I'm the happiest girl in the world. Check.

The next morning I caught the early ferry back to Phi Phi where I hopped boats to another ferry back to Phuket. I shared a cab with a hilarious American girl that was living and teaching in China. Her spirit and encouragement was just what I needed to get my day going.
To be continued....